g-cluster seed type transp-low transp-high rotate-number cluster-number
type c = cluster, s = step (melody), r = random
The rotate-number uses the range 0 to 11.
The cluster-number works in the range from 0 to 11.
Rotation plays an important role in classic serial composition strategies. The function cluster should be seen as a means of generating clusters or chromatic-step row of symbols capabale of sequential rotation prior to further transformation procedures.
(g-cluster .34 'c 0 0 0 3)
=> (abc)
(g-cluster .34 's 0 0 3 3)
=> (d e f)
Random transposition in range 0 3.
(g-cluster .34 'c 0 3 3 3)
=> (efg)
(g-cluster .34 's -6 6 7 9)
=> (e f g h i -d -c -b a)
(g-cluster .34 's nil nil 7 9)
=> (h i j k l a b c d)
(g-cluster nil '(c s c s) -12 12 '(4 5 7 9) '(6 5 7 8))
=> ((mnopqr) (b c d e f) (tuvwxmn) (r s t i j k l m))
(g-cluster nil 'r -12 12 '(4 5 7 9) '(6 5 7 8))
=> ((klmnop) (-f-e-d-c-b) (f g h i j -c -b) (-d-c-b-m-l-k-j-i))
or ((-c -b a b c d) (-c -b a b c) (d e f g h -e -d) (nopefghi))